About Me

I’ve always had some level of crafting/decor in my life as far back as I can recall, early school days, summers at grandmother, adolescence into adulthood. My creations/artwork/projects stood out from others, often that inquisitive look of hmmm. Neither bad nor good, rather it’s not everyone’s aesthetic or will others understand what you were trying to achieve. I had some amazing individuals in my life at the right time that knew what exactly needed to be done so that I continued down the right path.

After a period of not doing much in the world of crafting/decor due to school, college and the general activities of life … the itching to get back into designing started to grow. I would do wreath or arrangement requests occasionally over the years, and of course decorating for the holidays, fueling the passion I had almost given up on years ago. After working almost 20 years in Corporate Business – which can be stressful at times, an opportunity presented itself which allowed me to get back into crafting/decor.

After a year of being in business, it has been a balancing act dealing with learning curve of business fundamentals, creativity, finances and home. Amazed at all the access to available resources both learning and materials, and the support in the community. So please take look around my website and contact me if you have any questions or are looking for something unique/custom.

Jason C Klawinski